Adventures in advertising, technology, politics and beyond


Normally, this is where you would see a long, incomprehensible bunch of legalise about all the exciting things I could be doing with your IP address and data about your browser type, operating system, location and more.

If you get off on going through privacy policies (I'm so sorry for you) then I am sad to disappoint.

I use the excellent service Plausible Analytics which is a lightweight GDPR-compliant and privacy-friendly analytics tool that doesn't use cookies.

By avoiding cookies and not collecting IP addresses there is no need for an intrusive cookie banner. I think that's pretty cool.

If you sign up on the Get Emails page to receive emails when I publish a new post, then it will come as no surprise that every now and then you will receive emails from me.

I don't collect any other personal data like name or location. If you've given me your email address then I will only use it to send you the occasional email about this blog, and it won't be shared with any third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of each email.

If you have any further queries about your personal data, you are more than welcome to reach out via Twitter or LinkedIn.